Girls more practice this group of facial massage action, can smooth the skin wrinkles

This move, commonly practices back to "18" oh!

With the progress of science and technology, more and more people join the ranks of medical beauty. Proper medical beauty can help us to add additional points to our beauty to some extent. Water needle, dissolve fat, thin face, whitening, wrinkle removal. And so on are now in the limelight of medical beauty projects. Some friends may have a certain misunderstanding of medical beauty. We should use a correct and positive attitude to look at this matter. But everything is too much of a good thing. It's not one thing for all. Most of us choose quantitative shift to achieve qualitative shift.

​Time has passed year by year, it also has a "mark" on our face. However, this "trace" is not loved by everyone. In addition to medical beauty, facial exercise can also make us return to the age of 18. All things are seldom not insisted on in the process of the first 20 years. Next, Xiaobian will teach you a few simple actions, how to remove the "killer" years - wrinkles. Let's move!

1. Remove the neck lines

This is done by stretching the neck muscles, tightening the muscles between the neck and chin, and tightening the double chin while removing the neck lines. Especially if you have a double chin.

The action is as follows:

A. Lift your chin until you feel a noticeable tug and look straight ahead.This is the gua sha wholesale factory.

B. Start with the lower bar of your hands and slide gently along the middle line from the chin throat to the clavicle with your palm open.

A. The head should be stable and only the hands can be used with massage oil. Repeat for 3 groups of 20.

2. Tighten the jawline

This action mainly tightens the line of the lower jaw to the neck and acts on the neck muscles. A decent side face cannot be separated from a tight jaw line.

The action is as follows:

B. Lift your chin until you feel a noticeable tug and look straight ahead.

C. Put your chin forward and feel the pull of your muscles when your chin is stretched out. Don't keep your head still.

D. Each group was 20, and 3 groups were repeated.

3. Relax your facial muscles

Because we talk a lot, smile and laugh a lot, our muscles have a certain memory capacity, and all facial movements, as long as they are not abnormal, must be within a certain range. This creates the marks of the face. So with this simple action, repeated action can relax a tense muscle and "disrupt" the order of its memory.

The action is as follows:

A. Take a breath and bulge your face muscles. It has a bubble feel to it.

B. Imagine that the bubble is a ball and let it "run side to side" in its mouth.

C, do not leak air, every 50 for a group, repeat 3-4 groups.

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